#StartupChronicles (A Personal Lens): Choosing Love and Consciously Coparenting
As an entrepreneur, I have always been determined that my work would never come before family. It’s probably the reason why it’s taken a while for me to find my footing. I believe that I was put here to be a great woman, wife and mother. And though, I haven’t succeeded in finding the right partner to be a wife to just yet, I am committed to mothering, bringing all of me to the task.
I am so glad that my ND colleague and friend, Carol D. Anderson, asked me to share my experience in coparenting. It’s my true feelings and raw. My hope is that my experience touches and helps someone.
Here is my favorite question from the interview. If it peaks your interest, jump on over to the full interview linked below.
AJTL: How did you overcome your own feelings of sadness, hurt, disappointment?
RV: Overcoming all of those feelings and many more is a work in progress. I have been really good about allowing myself to feel whatever feelings I’ve had through the process. Sometimes I’m evolved and can look at things without tying so much emotion to them. And other times I am still hurt about old things and new. My ex is seeing a woman. But, he has not recognized her officially with any title to the children. And when he took her on vacation with them last summer, I was all in my feelings. Sometimes, I still get angry about what felt like abandonment, manipulation, and financial suffocation to me during the divorce. But, I also acknowledge that I am better not being in a relationship with someone who I feel didn’t value me. So when negative feelings arise, I do my best to check myself and get to the root of the lack that I am feeling. Because ultimately, I don’t want anything blocking the beauty I want to attract to my life. So, that was a long answer to say, it’s an ebb and flow when it comes to managing my emotions.
To read the rest, go to the link below:
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